10 SEPTEMBER – Social September
Social September encourages us to take time out from our digital connections and reconnect with each other, and ourselves. The digital age is not without its adverse effects on mental health and wellbeing. This month is about creating opportunities for face-to-face connections, being in touch without digital devices and promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.
08 OCTOBER – Working Safely
Every year more than 260 Australians die as a result of work related injuries and over 135 000 are seriously injured. As alarming as these statistics are, they would be even higher if they included people working in their own homes who sustain an injury in the course of their work/domestic duties. Many of the workplace health and safety considerations are applicable in the domestic environment but there is little or no training of parents, carers or others in safe work practices in the home. Further, with an increase in home based businesses, it is important to remember that these too are workplaces.
October is safe work month and we will be looking at safety in the home, keeping yourself safe, do it yourself risk assessment and injury prevention.
12 NOVEMBER – Lung Awareness Month
Have you considered how healthy your lungs are? How do you know if your lungs are healthy? Do you know how to improve the health of your lungs? Many people have lung disease and are not aware of it until the symptoms are advanced.
Well Now Health Solutions is conducting a fun and interactive information session on Lung Health in November for Lung Health Awareness Month. Join us to find out more about your lungs and how you can care for them.
These Educational Sessions are designed to impart general knowledge and enrich your self- awareness, health and wellbeing.
Gympie Community Place
18 Excelsior Road
Gympie Qld 4570
9.45am for 10am to 12 noon
2nd Thursday each month
Organise a group (min 6) if you would like an alternative session
$25 per person
(pay at door, EFT available)
Light refreshments served
Jacqui – 0402 988 423
Tina – 0412 524 196
Tina Garrett www.wellnowhealthsolutions.com.au
Jacqui Beutel www.gentlehandsmassage.com.au
“Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears and never regrets”
Leonardo da Vinci.