The Community Aids, Equipment and Assistive Technologies Initiative (CAEATI) offers subsidies for assistive technology which allow a person with a disability to access their community. There are four different subsidy catergories available including:
- Communication support–items that assist people to connect and exchange information with their communities of choice e.g. speech generating devices, PODD communication books
- Community mobility– items that improve physical access in the community e.g. power assist wheels
- Active participation–items to support a person in recreational and civic activities e.g. recreational wheelchairs, sports wheelchairs
- Postural support– items designed to improve functional participation eg. weight bearing devices, Hi-Lo seating.
To be eligible for CAEATI, you must:
- be under 65 years of age
- not be entitled to receive the full cost of the aids, equipment or assistive technologies under another government-funded program
- not be receiving any legal compensation related to your disability
- be eligible for specialist disability services from the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services (DCCSDS)
- have a BIS number from DCCSDS OR have a Disability Concession Card from Centrelink.
If you don’t have a BIS Number or a Disability Concession Card, contact your regional DCCSDS service centre for a needs assessment before applying.
For information on subsidy amount and information on how to apply for CAETI funding go to the following Queensland Government website:
*Information taken from the Queensland Government CAEATI webpage