• Well Now Health Solutions
  • Mobile: 0412 524 196
  • tina@wellnowhealthsolutions.com.au

Author Archive

Carer Wellbeing Workshop Update

Last Thursday Well Now Health Solutions hosted its August educational session which was designed to give carers of people with Parkinon’s Disease, valuable information and resources on a range of topics that will assist people living with Parkinson’s, their families and carers to feel more informed about the condition, support the person in their care and

Upcoming Events

EXCITING NEW UPCOMING EVENTS!!!! BOOK NOW SO YOU DON”T MISS OUT!!! 10 SEPTEMBER – Social September Social September encourages us to take time out from our digital connections and reconnect with each other, and ourselves. The digital age is not without its adverse effects on mental health and wellbeing. This month is about creating opportunities

Interested in the latest advances in health?

Are you interested in reading the lastest breakthrough in health care and new developments in the medical field. Use the link below to read all about the latest topics in health and medicine http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/popular

HealthShare- Empowering Australians to make better health choices

HealthShare is a website aimed at helping you make better health choices. You can ask questions about your health, get in contact with a health professional or specialist or search different health topics. Some of the common questions asked by Australians include: What foods should one avoid if you have high cholesterol? Can I get

Medical Aids Aubsidy Scheme (MASS)

Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme  The Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme (MASS) provides funding for medical aids and equipment to eligible Queensland residents who have a permanent and stabilised condition or a disability. The scheme helps people to live at home and avoid early or inappropriate residential care or hospitalisation. Aids and equipment are subsidy funded on

My Aged Care Reforms

My Aged Care was introduced on 1 July 2013 and assists older people, their families and carers to access aged care information and service. My Aged Care  provides: information on aged care; support for consumers to find Commonwealth funded aged care services in their local area; online fee estimators for pricing of home care packages

Community Aids, Equipment and Assistive Technologies Initiative (CAEATI)

The Community Aids, Equipment and Assistive Technologies Initiative (CAEATI) offers subsidies for assistive technology which allow a person with a disability to access their community. There are four different subsidy catergories available including: Communication support–items that assist people to connect and exchange information with their communities of choice e.g. speech generating devices, PODD communication books

Change in services to Homefront

As of the 6th February 2015, Department of Veteran Affairs has ceased it Homefront falls prevention programme. To ensure that eligible veterans still have access to the products that were available through the HomeFront program, DVA have created a new category in the Rehabilitation Applicances Program (RAP) schedule. The RAP Schedule has been enhanced to

What our Occupational Therapy clients say

  • Tina was lovely and I always looked forward to her visits. I didn’t want the program to end as I enjoyed her visits to my home for occupational therapy. She helped me to be safer in my home and to return to some of the things I used to do.…

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  • At 89 I didn’t think it was worth changing my bathroom to make it safer even though I had had a fall and broke my leg. Tina encouraged me to apply to DVA for the bathroom to be changed. Even though there was lots of work in the application, Tina…

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  • My life was literally flattened when I contracted Guillian Barre Syndrome. I could not move a muscle and had a newborn to care for. Once discharged from hospital, I had occupational therapy as one of my allied health services. Tina helped me to develop ways to care for myself and…

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  • I had significant left sided hemiplegia following a stroke. Tina was my occupational therapist on a post discharge rehabilitation program. I was very happy to have someone working with me that understood what was important to me and worked with me to achieve my goals. After 16 weeks, I was…

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What our Fitness and Wellbeing clients say

  • I joined Tina’s small group training with a couple of other ladies to improve my fitness for an upcoming overseas holiday. Over the nine weeks, not only did I improve my fitness, I lost weight, was able to reduce my blood pressure medication and improved my ability to undertake every…

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  • I am a middle aged male and probably like other middle aged males, my level of physical activity has dwindled to about nothing over the years. I joined the outdoor fitness classes with a friend; neither of us really knowing what to expect. I was surprised at how unfit I…

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  • I am currently studying to become a fitness instructor. Tina's outdoor fitness classes made me realise how much I want to work within the fitness industry. Friendly, fun, challenging, informative, energetic and rewarding is how I would describe Tina's fitness classes. Lynette Dimmock

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  • I have been going to Tina's aqua classes for about 8 years. In all this time Tina has been a great motivator and always an inspiration. Her classes are varied and so much fun. We never do the same class in a row , therefore the variation keeps me interested…

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  • Working with Tina Garrett is the best thing I have ever done for my health. I started Water Aerobics some 10-12 years ago when I injured my back as I couldn’t do any exercise that put impact on my spine.  My general mobility and fitness was in decline and I…

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  • I am 65 yrs, acutely overweight and suffer from arthritis.  Although I participate in Tina's aqua aerobic program twice a week I approached "Boot Camp" with some reservations. I was able to participate at my own level but was extended steadily each session achieving a huge improvement in core strength and…

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